Old Nature Note: Mid June 2015

Way back in 2015, I posted nature stuff on Facebook, before my Nature blog

A big nature night while walking Callie to RR tracks– an hour walk. The first time this season I have seen thousands of lightning bugs aka fireflies in this area NW Ohio. Two or more species- the fast blinking one more prominent. And after our two rains today adding more to our 4 plus inches in the past  2 to 3 weeks, I heard a tree frog at the RR tracks pond. (where I was not expecting them) and a distant chorus frog (way late in the season for them, but nature seems to always break the rules). And the mayflies are right on schedule–have seen them at lights in Toledo not in Perrysburg yet perhaps because maybe it’s too far from Lake Erie. {Usually the third or so week of June). And a friend’s cecropia moth emerged from its cocoon. June flowers on schedule too— daylilies, lilies, chicory, and many more.

Spring Peeper Frog Nature Note

Loud Spring Peeper Frogs on a Nature hike at Irwin Prairie. April 13, 2023. Spring Peepers are about the size of your thumb, but can make a heck of a ruckus when hundreds get in the mood on a warm spring night. If you stayed long enough one could get a headache or hearing loss. I had to put earplugs in. I  don’t think I have ever heard them this loud. What probably helped was the temperature in the 70’s during peak Peeper season, which in Northwest Ohio is about six weeks long normally from about mid March to the end of April.

Gary Lovell
Copyright. 2023

2023 –First Day Western Chorus Frogs Heard in Northwestern Ohio

This is my annual state of the frog pond update.

For over fifty years I have been listening to and recording frog data. So this year I have decided to recap the date the first frog was heard from 50 years ago, along with some other info and /or memories connected with that year and this year’s
new info.
The 2023 frog season has started. With warm  and cold temps alternately teasing frogs and people this February, they did start singing early, for the seventh time since 1972 singing in February. Actually the 7th time since 1976. See below charts for more info.
  Brittani Furlong, a frog enthusiast that I helped count frogs for her school project at Irwin Prairie awhile back heard chorus frogs on February 23, when the Toledo Area got 62° F. My friend Randy heard them yesterday on February 26 in his backyard on Wolfinger Road a short trip from Irwin Prairie Preserve. Brittani said the manager of Irwin Prairie Preserve had heard frogs on February 9, which would be earliest since 1972. I heard them on the 28th and Spring Peepers were out already too. Happy Spring! Below is a link to the original story with the chart of all past first dates.
   Fifty Years ago: On March 12, 1973 my late friend Jim Cendrowski and I officially heard the first singing frogs of the season. My notes do NOT tell me where. But that year it could have been along the railroad tracks that parallel Detroit Avenue, or the wetlands at Stickney and Matzinger Roads. The new location that year was a huge pond in an area that later became Greenwood Park on Gage Road in West Toledo off Alexis road across from the GM Plant. Later in the season spring peepers would be so loud that you would get a headache in 10 minutes.
   Later that week on the 17th of March we, as in NW Ohio, had a seven inch snowfall.
   It was a Saturday and I usually was allowed to drive to church for Mass which was barely a mile away. (I was still a fairly new driver). Because of the snow my parents would not let me drive so I walked. And I discovered I really like walking in the snow, and I have walked many snowfalls since. And my notes said the frogs were back out by the 20th of March.

2022–First Day of Western Chorus Frogs are Heard in Northwest Ohio.

Gary Lovell
Copyright. 2023

Early Spring at Irwin Prairie

Two spring peepers singing.

I visited Irwin Prairie Preserve on February 28 and March 1, 2023.
I can’t recall ever seeing that much water there. Many pictures follow: boardwalks underwater, water creeping up on the road and several trees blown over from storms this year, their root bundle still intact.
Several of my frog contacts have heard western Chorus frogs at the preserve already. I heard two on Feb. 28. On March 1 after dark I heard two spring peepers at Irwin. Probably the earliest I have ever heard them as they are usually out singing a couple weeks after first chorus frogs.
   March 1st starts the Metroparks frog survey at Oak Openings. I stopped by that night no frogs. I am guessing because of the tree cover the sun doesn’t get the frogs moving like at the open area of Irwin Prairie.  In the coming month the peepers will sound like what’s on the accompanying video.
   Anyone interested in monitoring frogs please contact Meredith.Busic@metroparkstoledo.com. They have added two new locations never before monitored for frogs: Secor Park and the new Cannonball Metropark that has the Cannonball bike trail passing by it.

Link to article on First Day Chorus Frogs appear in NW Ohio: https://unusualperspectivesbyme.wordpress.com/2019/02/25/link-to-1st-day-frogs-are-heard-in-toledo-ohio/

Gary Lovell
Copyright. 2023